Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Stakeholder Engagement Solicitation
Background Michigan’s Medicaid Specialty Behavioral Health System provides services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, adults with serious mental illness, children with serious emotional disturbance, and individuals with substance use disorders. To administer these benefits, the state contracts with Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans (PIHPs) that are responsible for paying for and helping people use Medicaid-covered behavioral health services. In late 2025 or early 2026, MDHHS will ask for proposals for new contracts to administer the provision of specialty behavioral health services to people enrolled in Medicaid. Through this survey, MDHHS is seeking recommendations and feedback for improving the program and updating the contracts. MDHHS wants input from people enrolled in the specialty behavioral health Medicaid program and their families, as well as advocacy groups, community-based organizations, health care and other providers, health systems, health plans and other interested parties.
Guiding Principles The principles guiding this effort are to protect and promote the constitutional and statutory rights of recipients of public mental health services and empower them to fully exercise these rights. MDHHS seeks to achieve this in all its initiatives, including Specialty Behavioral Health Plan procurement initiative.
Instructions Please complete this survey, which includes both closed- and open-ended questions, no later than 5 p.m., EST, Monday, April 7. For more information or to stay updated on this initiative, please visit Michigan.gov/BehavioralHealth.